Self-Esteem Doesn’t Matter.
Self-esteem doesn’t matter or at least as much, or in the way you probably think. What matters much more is making behavioral and environmental changes. Often the behavior has to change before feelings change.

Psychedelic Integration & Safety
Psychedelic integration involves identifying ways to integrate the insights and experiences gained from psychedelic experiences into daily life in a healthy and meaningful way.

How To Get The Most From Therapy
To get the most out of therapy, it's important to set clear goals, make a commitment of time, and actively monitor progress towards those goals.

Should I Choose An LGBT Therapist If I'm Not LGBT?
Are you a non-LGBTQ+ person who's wondering whether seeing an LGBTQ+ therapist is appropriate for you? Therapy is a valuable tool for people of all different backgrounds and identities, regardless of whether you identify as LGBTQ+ or not.

What Kind of Therapy Do I Need?
With all the acronyms, jargon, and psychobabble it’s hard to know what type of therapy you need. Here’s advice on how to choose the best type of therapy for you.

The Sleep Hygiene Checklist
Good sleep is fundamental for maintaining physical and mental health. The better your sleep, the better your mental health (e.g., less anxiety, less stress) and overall quality of life.

Best Little Boy In The World
LGBT people may feel pressure to conform to cisgender heteronormative expectations. The fear of rejection and discrimination, can lead to shame or overcompensating to hide parts of yourself.

Understanding Gender Therapy: What is a Gender Therapist?
A gender therapist usually has specific training and experience and operates from the gender-affirmative model.